Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 4- San Diego Zoo

We did A LOT of walking over the 12 days we were gone. On day 3 we went outlet shopping. It was a little disappointing. I had big dreams of big deals, and barely being able to fit our finds into our suitcases, but shopping with two young kids is just not that fun.

These boys got along so well! They are so much alike as well, some of the things that Jonah would say I could hear coming out of Wyatt's mouth.
It is a HUGE zoo. The map was a little daunting, and they didn't have a really smart way to see the whole thing, but in the 8 hours we were there we ended up seeing the whole thing. On the drive there I asked Wyatt what he wanted to see the most, he said the Tiger... So at the end of the day, even though Isla and I were DONE, we made one last trek to find the tiger. We got up to the 'cage' and he was way up in the top and we could only see his head. Such a disappointment!

Wyatt making sure we didn't miss the Alligators, and the tiger.

We were very happy that Isla became a good little napper in the bjorn. She was a trooper!
We were picture crazy for a lot of the trip. Brett held one and I held one. We ended up with a lot of pictures, but even looking at them now it seems like the whole vacation was a dream.

Feeding on the run, we were quite the pair her and I.

The zoo was a great day, but on the way home we asked Wyatt his favorite part... he said he enjoyed his little nap the best. These places were great, but not really for my boy. He was into the interaction aspect of the trip, so I couldn't wait to get to Disney.


Kamry Low said...

Love that you fed Isla on the run! two years ago i went to that zoo! it's huge and I was done after like 5 hours, good for you for doing 8!

Sheri said...

I am with Kamry......I can't believe you lasted 8 whole hours.....amazing! (I would have been grouchy hours before, let alone the kids)
Your trip looks so fun. Can't wait to see more pics. This is a good time to look back over your pics as we are watching snow fall out the window.