Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Who wouldn't have the very best Christmas with these two cuties!! What a December we had, so busy but so much fun!
In between BJ and I working throughout the month, we also squeezed in the following...

Dec. 4- Suncor kids Christmas party- it was held at the Telus World of Science. I went with the kids and my MIL because BJ had to work. It was lots of fun with a hotdog lunch, presents for the kids, and Imax movie and then access to the normal Science centre stuff. It was great because the company is so big, I could go with the kids and just blend in without feeling out of place because the Suncor employee wasn't with us. I think we'll do that again next year!

Dec. 8- Chantal and I hosted a baby shower for Melanie and her new baby boy. It was a pretty good turn out for a busy month and we were able to help celebrate her new addition. I was happy Chantal helped host it with me because I'm totally not a party planner.
(Dean and IA after the shower- both ready to go home to bed )

9th was our Relief Society Christmas party. We were fed very well (Dogan's Lemon Chicken is one of my FAVORITE FOODS in the world) and the musical numbers were beautiful. Makes me wish I had some kind of musical talent, but I definitely appreciate that of others.

10th- Our ward Christmas party. Fun to socialize- first Turkey dinner of the season. I cooked a HUGE bag of potatoes and mashed/ whipped them. I make a mean mashed potato!

11th- Fixsen Family Christmas. Turkey dinner #2- It was so nice to have the WHOLE family together. We have become quite the bunch, but all the kids get along so well, and the brothers and their wifes are all dear friends it is definitely a highlight of the year when we get to spend time together.
(People tell us that IA looks just like BJ- there are times when I can see it but I'd like to think she looks like me!)
(The Fixsen parents)

14th- We went with our dear friends the Dogan's to the Leg. to look at the lights. It was a beautifully mild winter evening and the lights were beautiful. I love how kids are just amazed my Christmas lights. They even allow you inside for hot chocolate and live entertainment.

(Chubby, rosy cheeks- can't get much cuter)
(These boys get along so well- all boy- rough and tumble but they are going to continue to be dear friends)
15th- WW had his preschool Christmas concert. SO cute I wanted to cry. All the songs were in french, but their little actions and them belting out the few words they knew got the message across perfectly. My little guy is growing up!

Only downside of the concert was the -20+ weather outside, not opening the doors till 6:10pm on the dot (pretty crazy) and all the parents and their toddlers freezing outside waiting to be let in. I'm so glad I left Isla at home because BJ would have be furious if our infant was turned into a babysicle like some of the other screaming babies waiting in line.
(I teared up when they all walked out and got on stage. He was so brave- 300 people were watching)
17th- WW's preschool Christmas party- I volunteered and enjoyed a morning of preschool fun. It's nice to be a mostly stay at home parent in order to be able to participate in such things.
( I snuck this one in so you could see the beautiful "bitty baby" IA got for Christmas. I've wanted one since I saw them at the American Girl Doll Place in New York)
18th- Suncor Adult Christmas party- Turkey dinner #3- BJ is an Operator at the refinery, and the Operators typically don't attend such functions where the "big guys" party. This year we decided to go along with a couple other guys from BJ's crew. It was a great night out just the two of us, fun company and we even danced a little bit. I have been trying to think back over the past 5+ years of marriage and I don't think BJ and I have danced a slow song ever as a married couple. CRAZY. It was fun. We even danced some fast songs and looked silly, but as long as we look silly together- Right? It was a good night. We don't get out as a couple very much anymore. We have a new years resolution to go on a date once a month this next year, that will be a good start.

23rd- Annual Live Nativity and Thai food night. We started this last year and it was top of the list to add to the calendar this year. We all go out to Spruce Grove to watch the live nativity- (live animals and everything) and then back to Mike and Heather's for Thai Food from the King and I. DELICIOUS!!!
(Grandpa and Edward snuggling after the busy night)
24th- Christmas Eve we are going to start spending alone as a small Fixsen unit. We were lucky to see our dear friends Anita and Greg who were home visiting family for the holidays. It was nice to catch up for a few hours and we look forward to sometime soon when we can go visit them in Ottawa. We decided WW needed some lessons on giving instead of getting so we made some nuts and bolts and delivered them to 15 families we thought of (Home teaching/ visiting teaching, family etc. ) It was nice for WW to give the gifts before he got some.

25th- Early morning at our house- BJ and I didn't give gifts to each other this year because we tend to go overboard all year- but even though I had nothing to open under our tree I still couldn't sleep. I ended up waking WW up and getting the party started. He was pretty excited to see what Santa brought him and was very willing to help IA open all her gifts too. After our place we went to my parents for stocking and presents. We ended up spending the day there, my brother was up from Calgary and my kids had a great time bonding with Uncle Kevy- We miss him a lot now that he lives away, so we try to make the best of the time we can see him.
Dinner Turkey #4 was DELICIOUS as usual. There is nothing better than the Turkey, gravy, stuffing etc that you are most familiar with- Mom's!!!

30th- BJ and I went on our first date (tried to beat the New Years rush but still ended up waiting over an hour for a table) Out to the KEG one of our very favorite restaurants (probably because we get gift cards from work :) ) It was delicious, great food, great company, great evening. I can't wait for the rest of our dates this next year!!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I have been such a lazy blogger lately. I still enjoy reading others, and hope there is someone out there that is reading mine along with my dear friend SH.
These beautiful babies are keeping me busy lately. IA is growing so fast, and had the most perfect chubby checks and thunder thighs. She is a great eater, and a pretty good sleeper. She got sick when she was 3 months, and it lasted for the next two. I'm not even exaggerating, poor little thing just couldn't kick the cold. It never got worse than a cold, but a stuffy nosed baby is one of the saddest things. She is naturally a very content baby, so she remained her happy self through it all.
WW just adores his sister, and the feeling is definitely mutual. They love to spend time together, and IA is immediately happy whenever he comes into the room. I really hope that this continues as they get older. I feel like I'm way closer to my siblings now than I ever have been, I wish we had always been this close.
I'm just catching up here randomly. The above is my best bud SH making chocolates with me. My ward had a super saturday and this was my suggestion. I've always wanted to learn, if only I had known how much work it is. It truly is an art. It may be years before I have the time and patience to really try this again.
Halloween has come and gone and these are my sweet babies in their costumes, I should dress IA up again to get a better picture. She was a cute flower, and WW was a caterpillar. Thanks to my sister and her last minute costume save. I had planned for WW to be a dinosaur again, but two nights before his preschool party we decided we maybe should dig out the costume and try it on and it was WAY too small. We searched all the next day for something great, and came up with a borrowed costume that he adored.

Sherwood Park has this great new library. We love books and going to the library. This is our first visit as a family. IA loved it. WW always loved books as a baby, hopefully IA will have the same love.
IA tried rice cereal a couple days ago. She loves to eat, and she happily transferred to the semi-solid variety. She has been super interested in what we are eating, so we took the leap. It was a couple weeks earlier than suggested, but we started WW early and he turned out great!
Look how big this girl is getting. I love all her Sunday dresses. I should try and take a picture each week, because at this rate she will only get to wear each one once. She grows fast, plus she has soo many beautiful ones to chose from.
I somehow lost WW winter coat. So we went out and bought a new one with trendy little boots to match. I love how cute he looks, plus it's keeping him warm during these freezing Alberta days.
Speaking of freezing days, above is a fort WW and I made during a minus 30 day. Something out of the ordinary to break up a home day. He loved it.
These next two are pics of our dear family friend's babies. IA and TD are only a couple months apart in age and will hopefully be close friends. BJ and I just love this family. It's not easy finding couple friends when you are married. We just love spending time together, our kids are close in age, and they make the best food!!
Well I'm randomly caught up for now. We are getting all ready for Christmas and have a busy month ahead. Should be fun as a little family of 4. We got the tree up today, but that will have to be another post. IA is teething and needs some attention:)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


We took WW to the dentist today for the first time. I was so proud of my little man!!! He sat in the big chair all by himself, and let the dental assistant clean his teeth, and then the dentist check and count his teeth. We have read the little critter book about the dentist to WW, and he was a little concerned that he might need a needle, but we're all clear for another year. I can't believe what a big kid he is becoming!

Monday, October 4, 2010


This morning WW was demanding a drink, I asked where his manners were... he told me they were 'playing hide and seek'

Later this morning, I needed a helper to run and grab a kleenex for a booger baby, and I asked WW where my good helper was... he said he was 'playing hide and seek too'

I'm interested in finding out who else is playing today- my good eater seems to be involved as well!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Family Picture

We went out today to enjoy the beautiful fall day and to take some family photos with another Fixsen family. It was quite the production to get even one good picture of each of our families. It's always worth the attempt though.
This is my favorite, it's the one I look best in... that's all that matters right?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Before leaving for school his very first day.
My baby boy has started his first year of preschool. We have him enrolled in a french immersion program and are so excited about this big step in his little life. Last week on Tuesday I got to go with him for his first day to ease him in, and get him used to the routine. It was nice to meet the teacher and other parents, and to see WW interact in a fairly formal setting. He did great! There were a few times when I got teary watching him, and I was pleasantly surprised at how well he followed along, and paid attention.

Friday of that week was his first "real" day. I was at work so it was BJ that took him to drop him off. It worked well because BJ is much tougher than I am(not in a strict sense, but I knew BJ wouldn't cry or have trouble if WW started crying ), and I was concerned that WW wasn't going to want to stay there by himself. When I called home on my lunch break to see how it went BJ said WW just gave him a big kiss and hug and ran in to the class. When he got home he told us all about his day and his favorite part "glitter glue"!
His special job for the day was line leader.
This week I took him to drop him off. We brought his little backpack, changed into indoor shoes and waited for the door to open. When it did, WW was about to run in, when I reminded him that I needed a kiss goodbye. He turned around, rolled his eyes and gave me a quick peck before running into the classroom. I thought it would be tough to leave him if he was upset about staying without me, it was just as hard to see that he DIDN'T need me. I'm so happy with the school, program and teachers. It is so great for WW to have this little thing that is special for him that he loves.
Outside his locker. Each kid is assigned an animal for the year incase they don't recognize their name yet. WW is a firefighting dalmatian.
Another fun thing about school is that we have been practicing some of his french words at home with him, and he is pretty good at pronunciation. It's just funny when he will tell me a gibberish french word he has made up but he is adamant that he's right.
Snack time, this is what worried me most about preschool. WW is such a picky eater and he just gets the snack that is brought for the day. Each family takes turns bringing enough snack for the whole class. I was blown away the day I took him to school because he opened his snack and ate the whole thing without a fuss. It sounds like that has been the case every school day since as well. Way to go WW!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Jurassic Forest.

We finally made our way out to Gibbons last week to check out the new Jurassic Forest in the area. We had been told by a few people that when they first heard about the place they knew they had to let me know about it... WW is a well known dinosaur lover around here. It was about half hour away from home and worth the trek!
Above is WW at the gate. That expression on his face pretty much says it all. He was SOOO excited to be there. We went with his cousin and some friends, and left daddy and IA at home. It was a special day for him and I.
It is such a great place, they have complimentary wagons to use, you are allowed to bring in your own snacks, and once you are through the gate you move around at your own pace. We went on a Thursday after school was back in, and we pretty much had the place to ourselves. I even bought a year pass, so we can go lots... Anyone interested in going, we'd love to come.

WW and I were trying to sneak up on the dinosaurs, it was such a beautiful place all surrounded by trees and flowers... best part... very few bugs!
We would highly recommend you check out these dinos. We'll be back soon for sure!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A family trip

We took the kids to Calgary this past week. It was a quick trip but we managed to have a lot of fun while we were there. We drove down Tuesday to Airdrie to stay with my brother and sister in law and their girls. That afternoon we went to Calaway park. It is the first time I've ever been, but will definitely be going back. WW was so brave, I was amazed. He went on the bumper cars, the airplanes, boat ride, roller coaster, pirate ship and the log ride. He was with the girls so he had a lot of fun.
I went with him on the pirate ship, which is just like the boat at WEM that just goes back and forth. WW was so scared on the ride, I almost cried watching him. He was gripping the bars so tight, and was focused straight ahead with this look of fear in his eyes. Then anytime the boat went forward his whole little body would shake. So sad. The other rides were a bit better, he'd look pretty serious on the ride until he would pass us and we'd yell his name to take a picture, then he'd give us his biggest smile.
The log ride was the last ride of the day. WW was a little more apprehensive of the bigger rides, but they tricked him into thinking it was a dinosaur ride. He also ended up at the very front of the boat and got absolutely soaked. Poor little man was ready to go home by then.
IA was such a trooper on the whole trip. I couldn't have been more pleased. She was very friendly, and slept anytime we were in the car. Perfect!

Wednesday the boys took the kids swimming at the rec centre in Airdrie. What a great pool. All the kids had a lot of fun and were tuckered out by the end of the day. That night was WW's big show. We bought him tickets to "Walking with Dinosaurs" for his birthday. He has waited and waited for his big day to arrive and was able to go with his dad to see the life size dinosaurs. I guess it was a great show.

While they did that, IA and I went to meet up with my brother and his girlfriend for dinner- have I ever mentioned how much I hate driving in Calgary. It gives me grey hair. We went to a great place called Open Sesame and enjoyed some time together. - My brother and I were super close but since he's moved to Calgary a few years ago I feel like we aren't as tight. It was nice to just get together and visit- it was also nice to get to know his girlfriend a little more.

Thursday we hit up the Balzac mall and came home. It was a great trip, but it's always nice to be home. These girls are WW beautiful cousins. They just loved IA and were a great help, always ready with the soother.
Friday was BJ and my 5 year wedding anniversary. I can't believe how fast the time has flown by. He surprised me and set up a babysitter, and took me out to the Hardware Grill. It is delicious food- a little pricey, but once a year is definitely worth the splurge. I am looking forward to the next 5 and seeing what we do with ourselves and our little family.

A crazy couple weeks.

We had such a busy July. We were adjusting to being a family of 4, and there was just alot we packed into the month.

BJ went to boys camp after coming off his work set. He left wednesday morning after a 7 am dentist appointment and didn't return until Friday evening. That Sunday he spoke in church and then the following week got even busier.

We had doctor appointments for the kids, IA's baby shower, WW's 3rd birthday party and IA's baby blessing on Sunday.

My amazing friend SH and my wonderful sister in law threw the shower for us. I didn't get pictures yet, but it was great. They had all my favorite snacks, and we had a wonderful time visiting with everyone that came to support us. We felt very loved and got some amazing gifts. IA will be one well dressed little girl.

Saturday we had WW's party. It was a month late, but we couldn't go without celebrating . We had planned to have the party at our place, and just have everyone outside, but the mosquitoes have been INSANE. We moved the party to the church and that seemed the best for everyone. We got there early to decorate and set up, and the power was out. Not only was it out at the church, but our house, my parents house, my sisters house etc. etc. I was panicking. BJ was so calm and knew everything would work out. The party started at 10, and at 10:10 the power came back on and the party was a go. We had waffles, cake, a pinata and cookie decorating. It was dinosaur themed again, and it was just great to spend time with dear friends and family. I had only put up a couple balloons, and WW was pretty sure that it was the best party EVER!!!

Sunday was IA's baby blessing. What a special day! My mom made the dress- it was beautiful. BJ gave her the most beautiful blessing, and we had the support of everyone. My sister in law and her girls even came for the day from Airdrie. It was nice to spend that time with the ones we love.
It was nice to have that week over with- I'm not naturally a hostess so it was a little stressful- it was a wonderful week though, full of lots of family and lots of great friends. My two favorite things!