Saturday, April 30, 2011


Anyone else out there miss silence?

I adore my kids, but boy are they loud!

Wyatt currently has an ear wax problem, and it seems to have heightened the issue of his loud speaking. He feels the need to talk through every aspect of everything, or I hear him quoting movies, or when there isn't anything he can think of to say, he just makes up nonsense.

Isla is quite the chatterbox herself, and when she's not talking happily, she is crawling after my legs whining.

It's all part of the joys of babyhood, toddlerhood, and preschoolerhood... but some days I am just dying for some sweet moments of silence.
Maybe that is why kids are so IRRESISTIBLE when they are sleeping!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

here here Sister!!
I'm dying for silence! With J done napping now, I feel a real loss of just quiet.
J narrates his entire life, and I mean everything. And if he's not narrating, he's asking the same question, over and over.
It's so cute but I love sneaking into their rooms and just watching them sleep and hearing them breathe.